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Privacy Policy


By using this site you are agreeing to the Appssential ltd terms and conditions of use relating to it, together with our policies on privacy and data protection for users of the site. If you do not agree with the Terms and Conditions, which Appssential ltd may at its discretion, update from time to time without prior notice, then please do not use the site.

References to “you”, “your” and “yours” are references to the person accessing the site. References to “we”, “us” and “our” are references to Appssential or its subsidiary companies.

If you have any general enquiries about the site or these Terms and Conditions, please email your questions to

Your Privacy and Data Protection

As relationship marketing professionals we take user privacy very seriously. Our goal is to maintain the trust of everyone who visits our websites. It is our policy that no information of any kind, from any source about visitors to this site, our clients or our clients’ customers, is sold or released to anyone else without the prior consent of the visitor, client or client’s customer, except where we are compelled to do so by appropriate force of law. This includes e-mail registration to mailing lists, contact forms, and browsing logs.

From the activity of visitors to our website, we generate reports of behaviour to help us understand what users find most useful about our sites. These reports contain personally identifiable information only if you choose to identify yourself.

We collect the following types of non-personally-identifiable information about users who visit our website: IP address (a unique number assigned to every computer on the Internet); domain type (i.e., .com, .net, or .edu.) and standard information included with every communication sent on the Internet. From this standard information we can infer your browser version and type (eg Google, Firefox, Internet Explorer); operating system (i.e., Windows or Mac); browser language (i.e., Java or Unix); service provider (eg. VirginMedia, Sky, AOL etc) and how you navigate the pages you visit within our site.

Registration of Feedback Policy

If you wish to register feedback, we will ask you for some basic details including your name, telephone number and email address. This information will be used to process your request.

Occasionally we may offer you the opportunity to participate in surveys, which help our research into the types of services offered. Surveys may also be carried out as part of other services. We will store the data you enter and only use it for the purpose declared. We will not pass this information on to third parties without your consent.

Postal, Email and Telephone Privacy Policy

If you supply us with your telephone number, you may receive telephone contact from us with information. You may also receive telephone contact from us with information regarding new products and services or upcoming events. If you supply us with your postal address you may receive periodic mailings from us with information on new products and services or forthcoming events. Your email address may be used by us to notify you about updates to the site and/or contact you for marketing purposes.

Your contact details information will not be shared with organisations outside of Appssential ltd. If you do not wish to receive telephone calls or mailings, please let us know by emailing  You can unsubscribe from a marketing email in the link provided in each email.

Terms and Conditions of use of the Site

Please note that these terms and conditions relate to use of the site. Copyright, trademarks and Intellectual Property Rights protect the content of the site together with products and services available from it.

These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. Disputes arising shall be exclusively subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

Appssential ltd makes no representations or warranties with respect to the site or its contents, which are provided for use “as is”. Appssential disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including without limitation the implied warranties of title, non-infringement, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to the site and any web site with which it is linked.

Appssential also makes no representations or warranties as to whether the information accessible via the site, or any website with which it is linked, is accurate, complete, or current. It is your responsibility to evaluate the accuracy and completeness of all information, opinions, and other material on the site or any with which it is linked. Price and product information is subject to change without notice.


To the fullest extent permitted by applicable laws, Appssential and its employees, agents, suppliers, and contractors shall in no event be liable for any claims, charges, and contractors damages, liabilities, losses, and expenses of whatever nature and howsoever arising, including, without limitation any compensatory, incidental, direct, indirect, special, punitive, or consequential damages, loss of use, loss of data, loss caused by a computer or electronic virus, loss of income or profit, loss of or damage to property, claims of third parties, or other losses of any kind of character, even if Appssential has been advised of the possibility of such damages or losses, arising out of or in connection with the use of the site, or any website with which it is linked.


You hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless Appssential from and against any and all claims, charges, demands, damages, losses, expenses, and liabilities of whatever nature and howsoever arising (including but not limited to any legal or other professional fees and the costs of defending or prosecuting any claim and any loss of profit, goodwill, and any other direct or consequential loss) incurred or suffered by Appssential directly or indirectly by reason of any act or omission which you commit in breach of these terms and conditions and the obligations and warranties contained in them.


All rights, including copyright and database right, in the site and its contents, are owned by or licensed to Appssential or its partners. You may use the content of the site for your own use and for other members of your workplace. You may save content onto any medium and make printed copies provided that you acknowledge the source of the information by referencing “Copyright Appssential ltd” with the title of the article or the Internet Unique Resource Locator (URL), but you may not distribute or publish any part of this site outside of your workplace without our prior written permission. We reserve the right to change the content of the site without notice.

Linking to the Site

Sites and users linking to the site must accept the Terms and Conditions of the site. Appssential reserves all rights to copyright. Appssential expressly reserves the right to request that any link in breach of these Terms and Conditions be removed and to take whatever other action it deems appropriate.

Any web site that links to the site:

  • May link to, but not replicate, the site
  • Must not create a frame or any other browser or border environment around the Content
  • Must not in any way imply that Appssential is endorsing it or its products or services
  • Must not misrepresent its relationship with Appssential
  • Must not present false information about Appssential
  • Must not use any Appssential trademarks displayed on the site without permission in writing from Appssential
  • Must not be a website that infringes any intellectual property or other rights of any person or that otherwise does not comply with all relevant laws and regulations
  • Must not be a website that contains content that could be construed as distasteful, offensive or controversial
  • Must not deep link to pages within the site


Appssential has checked all linked sites listed; however, the content of some sites may have altered after Appssential has visited them. Appssential is not responsible for the content of any external website that the site links to. Links to third party sites are provided only for convenience, and this does not imply endorsement of any such sites by Appssential. If you find any sites, irrelevant, unacceptable or offensive then please do let us know.

If you have any general enquiries about the site or these Terms and Conditions please email

Cookie Law

The Law

26th May 2011 saw alterations made to Regulation 6 of the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulation 2003 (PECR) which focussed on electronic privacy and in particular the use of website cookies. This resulted in a new EU and UK law being passed. The following is the new addition to Regulation 6:

  • A person shall not store or gain access to information stored in the terminal equipment of a subscriber or user unless the requirements of paragraph [2] are met.

The requirements are that the subscriber or user of that terminal equipment:

  • Is provided with clear and comprehensive information about the purposes of the storage of, or access to, that information; and
  • Has given his or her consent.
  • In plain English, the law states those people whose websites set cookies must:
  • Tell users what the cookies are.
  • Explain what the cookies are doing.
  • Obtain the user’s consent to store most (all cookies except one deemed ‘strictly necessary’ require the user’s permission to be used) cookies on their device.


A cookie is a small text file that is put on a user’s computer when they visit and/or do things on a website. Cookies have been around for years and carry data and not code, so are unable to transmit anything dangerous. The main job of a cookie is to remember things – ranging from your favourite font size or what marketing material you are likely to browse, both with different levels of intrusiveness.

Types of Cookies

There are four types of cookies, session, persistent, first-party and third party.

  • Session cookies – Only remain active whilst visiting the website. Stores the fact that you have logged on to the website. Usually deleted by the web browser and deemed unobtrusive.
  • Persistent cookies – Can last for years and are not deleted by the web browser. Are used by Google’s new remarketing service and deemed more intrusive than session cookies as this data is used by third-parties.
  • First-party cookies – Cookies set up by the visiting website. The cookie can only read pages that it was designated by the creator. Deemed unobtrusive, yet depends on the scale of the website.
  • Third-party cookies – Considered more obtrusive. Website ‘A’ is visited by user ‘Bob’. Website ‘B’ has created a cookie to read from ‘A’. The creator of the cookie is untraceable from both websites. The cookie can then be used for marketing and building up a browser history of Bob across all the websites he visits that have this cookie attached to them. This is typically used for marketing purposes.

Our Website

This website uses the following cookies on each page:

  • Session cookies – to enhance your browsing quality by allowing us to know what pages you visit on this website and others.
  • Google Analytics – we use this information to compile reports on website usage, visitor sources and analyse browser versions.
  • Third party cookies – we use some third-party tracking cookies to support marketing automation capabilities.

If you have any questions, please contact us via
