Unlock the power of visual storytelling with Sugati’s extensive image library, meticulously curated to enhance your travel itineraries and captivate your clients.
Included in your subscription, Sugati provides access to a diverse collection of professional-looking travel images sourced from reputable providers. Access these images effortlessly by navigating to the Content tab within the “More” pop-up window while assembling your itineraries in PDF or HTML formats.
The system seamlessly integrates with both internal and external content sources, ensuring the selection of the most suitable images to complement your recommendations. With just a few clicks, elevate your travel documents with stunning visuals that breathe life into your suggestions.
Should adjustments to the images be necessary, Sugati offers an intuitive image editor for cropping and editing.
Experience the ease and efficiency of creating captivating travel itineraries that leave a lasting impression on your clients, all thanks to Sugati’s robust image library.
Ready to transform your travel documents into works of art? Call us to dive into Sugati’s intuitive platform and discover the power of visual storytelling today!