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Group Tour Holidays Overview Tutorial

Tour module is an independent module on Sugati. Tour holidays are package group tours with fixed itineraries and departure dates. To streamline operations, create a Tour Template with its itinerary, then replicate Tours. This simplifies the process, reducing the need to recreate tours from scratch. Once created, manage Enquiries and Bookings by adding passengers to the tour.

Utilise Tour Template Setup to input tour details such as destination, price, and capacity. Create tour itineraries using the Trip Planner tool. The Tour Template features a Checklist Library, aiding in tour preparation. After creating the Tour Template, mark its status as “Built” to indicate completion of the setup process.

With Sugati’s Tour module, generating enquiries, waitlists, room allocation reports, and tour manifest reports is effortless. Pre- and post-nights requirements can be added to individual bookings. Additionally, some clients leverage Sugati API to integrate tour booking processes into their websites.

Get in touch with Sugati to learn more about the Group Tour Holidays.
