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Targeted Marketing, Sales and Concierge Services made simple with Sugati’s Travel CRM

Data driven Travel CRM with Sugati

Stay Ahead with Impactful Marketing

At Sugati we know that marketing luxury travel means reaching the right people at the right time. You like to have personalised conversations with your customers. You know that the right approach made through targeted marketing makes travellers feel that you understand their needs and you’re speaking directly to them. You need to tailor your messages so that they hit home.

Our CRM for Tour Operators allows you to create more effective marketing campaigns by using data-driven insights to segment your customer base into distinct groups. Focus on those with similar lifestyle preferences, perhaps, or similar patterns of travel frequency, or spending behaviour. Sugati’s Travel CRM helps you reach the right audience with bespoke messages that really resonate with them.

Your customers feel you’re really addressing them. And that means higher conversion rates for you.

Build Better, Stronger Relationships

You rely on your DMCs (Destination Management Companies) to deliver top notch experiences for your guests, so maintaining strong partnerships with them is vital. Sugati’s Travel CRM software enables you to generate critical reports at the touch of a button: find out more about supplier bed nights and currency transactions, or agency relationships and commissioning structures. We’ll provide you with a wealth of data, giving you a clear view of your financial dealings and performance metrics.

With enhanced transparency you’ll have better negotiation capabilities. And that enables you to establish more favourable contracts with suppliers, and foster stronger partnerships.

Forecast Travel Trends and Predict Market Shifts

You already know that data analytics is essential for predicting your customers’ behaviours. Sugati’s Travel CRM enables you to analyse patterns in your clients’ appetites for specific experiences, or certain destinations; even the seasons they like to travel. Armed with this information you can not only predict demand; you can design exclusive packages which appeal directly to your target audience. We’ll give you the tools to anticipate shifts in the market before they happen.

That helps you stay ahead of your competitors by designing offers which will appeal directly to your customers’ tastes, and delivering them at the right time.

In the luxury travel sector, data is essential for targeted contracting, marketing, and sales. At Sugati, we want to help you deliver those personalised experiences which set you apart, by giving you data on a plate.

Find out how you can start running insightful reports on Sugati platform today.
