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Automated ATOL Certificate generation

Automated ATOL Certificate generation

ATOL Certificate – how your travel software can help

ATOL is a UK’s financial protection scheme that protects travellers while using a UK ATOL holder travel agency. That ATOL certificate is a guarantee for your clients to be protected. That ensures them that they will not lose money if the health of your travel business becomes critical.

What do you need to include in your ATOL certificate?

The first and last name of all passengers included on the trip as well as the PAX. You have to mention what is protected by the certificate, including dates, flight number, airline, hotels, type of room, etc. The details of the travel agency that they have used to book the trip with, have to be mentioned too. Finally, at the bottom of the certificate, you have to add the details of your ATOL number and the unique reference number of the certificate.

Why is ATOL painful for Travel Agent and how automation help you in that process?

As explained above, ATOL certificates must contain all components that make up the trip and has to be really specific. Even if you have a template to follow it’s really easy to make mistakes. You might have to find every single component in a different place. I could be that you find them from your GDS platform, airline suppliers, client’s details or other databases… Everything takes longer when you have to pull each piece of information manually, mistakes are commonly made, that’s for sure.

With Sugati what we do is really simple! We take pieces of information from the booking level and we populate the data automatically into the certificate for you. It’s really helpful and allows you to gain back crucial time.

Find the way to automate your ATOL certificate

Also, what’s really cool with automation, is that if there are changes on the client booking: date, number of PAX, airline company and so on, the related information will be changed automatically in the certificate. We can at the drop of a hat change their processes or certificates.

Sugati Travel CRM can take the stress out of this by updating the certificates for you upon request.

With our travel software you have the reassurance that your information will be legally correct, accurate and the format, background colour and text sizes are as required. In other words, we provide you with a stress-free feature that allows you to avoid mistakes. At the click of a button, the system understands the logic behind the booking to provide your clients with an ATOL certificate.

Commons mistakes

As it’s not always at the front of the staff’s mind since it’s only bookings with flights on, it’s easy to forget to send an ATOL manually. Sugati can automate the sending of the certificate. We can also include the certificate with the confirmation email/document when a flight forms part of the itinerary.
