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What is a real 360-degree view of your customer?

What is a real 360-degree view of your customer?

What is a true understanding of your customers?

Most tour operators and travel agents have gone through the experience of using four or five systems.

The challenge with having a silo system that is you never have a 360-degree view of your customer. This means you will never have a true understanding of your customers. Being able to define a customer profile, categorise and engage with them in a personalised way will not be possible if your website does not talk to your enquiry system. Which in turn does not talk to your booking system, inventory management system, payment system and your supplier management system and so on.

Why is the 360-degree view so important?

Marketing and customer success are really difficult to measure. Even though your team is allocating a lot of time dealing with your clients, making sure they are satisfied with your services and your quality of answers, you cannot beat technology. A great travel designer will follow every step of the sales process and always be curious and try to understand the client better. However, that approach is only practical if you have a small travel agency or tour operator. What about the big agencies? The ones that receive one thousand inquiries a day. How do you deal with managing customer relationships here?

Along the customer journey, you will engage with your client from the inquiry stage, all the way to the post-holiday stage. Traditionally, most of this information is gathered and stored in various systems. Thus, individuals at the company are unable to have a 360-degree view of their clients, creating complications and difficulties operating the business successfully. Having all details and information gathered under one system will allow you to have a 360-degree view of your customers, which in turn will result in an overall enhancement of each stage in the customer journey. Subsequently, implementing an end-to-end travel technology solution that provides a 360-degree view of your customers will enable your business to offer exceptional customer service and client experience.

Understand your customer and offer an exceptional experience

What’s the result of obtaining a comprehensive understanding of your customer?

  • As a result of from great customer data management, your client will enjoy a personalised experience with your travel advisor. With a complete travel CRM solution, your agents will be able to manage the client’s expectation effectively and easily.
  • Better organisation? Of course, and gain efficiency with all the information gathered and stored in one place. A new starter coming? No need to ask every single one of your travel advisors. Look at the prospect/client detailed information and take it from there.
  • If you are running marketing campaigns or trying to promote some of your itineraries or tours, knowing your clients will become a real advantage. Send personalised marketing messages and different types of special offers to your clients depending on their purchases, profile and interest.
  • Analyse your customers’ behaviour and predict travel interest as well as your turnover. Thanks to all the communication and different interactions with your client you can create a scoring system and segment your portfolio. That will help you to target your clients perfectly. 

Is that it?

Of course not. We could talk about 360-degree view benefits for a while… Sugati Travel CRM is the best travel crm solution for the travel trade and we are using our customer insights to help our clients gain efficiency and enhance overall business performance. If you are keen to know more about the different aspects of the travel CRM features and functionality, please feel free to request a first call today
