Salesforce listens and it is a win for all of us as clients, partners and the entire Salesforce ecosystem
The reason why we love Salesforce is mainly their fantastic technology platform which empowers SMEs to harness the technologies that used to be readily available for global companies.
For small to medium sized Tour Operators and Travel Agents, affordability of Salesforce is always a challenge. On the surface, Salesforce is expensive. Sugati encounters this problem on a daily basis as a niche ISV partner of Salesforce, that is specialised in Travel CRM technology solution, whenever we try to onboard a new client.
One thing we have been saying to Salesforce really is the cost of data storage. Based on the number of licenses you have signed up, Salesforce will offer 1GB of data storage as a base. For Tour Operators and Travel Agents that carry approximately 5,000 – 7,500 pax a year, 1GB will be sufficient for the first 1-2 years. After that, you really need an extra storage. That’s where the additional expense comes in. An additional 1GB of storage on Salesforce is equal to one enterprise license which is roughly about £1,000 annually. Imagine if you needed 10G of storage, you would be paying £10,000 annually just for the data storage!